Format: Book Author: Paul Raskin Title: The great transition to planetary civilization Year: 2016 1. The transition to the planetary civilization began in 1980 and the World Constitution will be signed by 2048 1. A key role in the resolution of the future 2023-2028 system crisis and attempts by the alliance of the elites "New Earth Order" to proclaim the emergency world power - will be played by the "Global Citizens Movement" (GCM) 2. From 2028 to 2048, the UN will establish the "New Global Deal" (NGD), in which free-market capitalism will be defanged and the Planetary Social Democracy (PSD) will be adopted, which will constrain markets to function within more compassionate social norms and well-established environmental limits 3. In the same period, the Earthland Parliamentary Assembly (EPA), will be repurposed as the core body for democratic global governance 2. New moral values 1. Quality of life and ethics of material sufficiency instead of GDP and consumerism 2. Solidarity to all people (living and future) and everything alive on earth instead of individualism 3. Self-realization, not wealth, - the main measure of success 4. As a consequence - movement to a post-deficit society 3. Cosmopolitanism from the subjective turns into a natural need, because of the objective conditions of general risks: maintaining peace, biosphere, rights and freedom for all and sustainable development of the world community 4. Equality, tolerance, reason, the rule of law and active citizenship - will be commonly spread, but will find different expressions in a variety of social landscapes Extended version - #summary #book #philosophy #sustainability #future

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