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The article discusses the concept of sustainabilism and its three forms of capital - human, social, and organizational. It emphasizes the need to manage and measure tradeoffs and exchanges between these forms of capital using information, entropy, and energy units. The article also provides a top-10 insights summary of the original article by Meir Russ.

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The Future Health conference organized by CB Insights showcased the latest trends and innovations in HealthTech. The conference highlighted the problems being solved in the healthcare industry, such as chronic conditions, sleep disorders, and loneliness. The technologies being used to address these issues include AI, telemedicine, ePharmacy, gene therapy, and interoperability. The short summary provides an overview of the problems being solved and the technologies being used to address them.

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The article discusses the potential of microbiome testing to personalize health and wellness treatments. The global microbiome market is expected to reach over $11 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 7.2%. Microbiome testing is already being used to customize treatments for type 2 diabetes and GI disorders, and studies are underway for sleep disorders, obesity, depression, and autism spectrum disorder. Current services in the market offer a combination of diagnostics and treatment, including DNA testing, questionnaires, blood tests, consultations, customized apps, food as medicine, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

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The Great Transition to Planetary Civilization is a book by Paul Raskin that discusses the transition to a planetary civilization that began in 1980 and will culminate in the signing of the World Constitution by 2048. The book explores the role of the Global Citizens Movement in resolving the future system crisis and the establishment of the New Global Deal, which will adopt the Planetary Social Democracy. The book also discusses the new moral values, such as quality of life, solidarity, and self-realization, that will replace GDP and consumerism. Additionally, the book explores the need for cosmopolitanism and the spread of equality, tolerance, reason, the rule of law, and active citizenship. An extended version of the book is available on Telegram.

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Join the telegram channel for author's summaries of books, courses, lectures, conferences, reports, research, articles, films, and podcasts on various topics including philosophy, sustainability, wellbeing, and more. The channel publishes on average once a week with 25 resumes already published and 50 more in progress. Additionally, there is a closed community dedicated to philosophy and sustainable development. Contact the author to become a member. Share this information with friends and subscribe to the Russian version of the channel if interested.

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Автор представляет два канала в Telegram на русском и английском языках, где публикуются авторские резюме изученного контента по темам: философия, устойчивое развитие, научная фантастика, футурология, биология, физика, технологии и психология. Также автор приглашает присоединиться к закрытому сообществу в Telegram, посвященному философии и устойчивому развитию.

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The oldest book found, written nearly 2,5 thousand years ago, contains ideas that are still relevant today. The book discusses justice and how it is important to mind one's own business and play our appropriate role to benefit ourselves and society. Society and souls are divided into three parts, and every person has all three parts, but some prevail. The book also talks about the life cycle of cities and how they cycle from aristocracy to tyranny and back. The appropriate roles of individuals are shaped by the need of the city and individual's skills. In a just city, the city's need and individual's needs work symbiotically.

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The book 'The Future of Humanity' written by Michio Kaku in 2011 discusses how exponential technologies will change the way we live and work. The book covers topics such as genetics, nanobots, stem cells, and the next unified interface which will be first glasses/lenses and then just your brain and AR all enabled by AI. The book also talks about how we are making our way to become a United Planet Civilization and eventually a Star-Galactic-Extragalactic civilization. The book provides a 3-minute overview of the exponential growth, the Cave Man Principle, the next unified interface, and the wisdom of the crowd.

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My life goals First I want to specify, why am I writing this post. There are 2 main aims: 1. Describe my life goal management experience, so, maybe, someone else could use it in his/her own 2. Send the signal to everyone in order to find people, with whom we can accomplish those goals together So, my life goals are: 1. To create life management services that would be used by billions of people 2. To create sensible music, that would be listened by billions of people Let’s check these goals

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